Grazing Fields

Fields of green grass and grazing cattle.

Peaceful scenery and cloud free skies.

The illusion of tranquility is offered through out it.

But, beyond the field, the shadow lies.

The innocent don't know that the shadow is there,

beyond the enclosure, where the forest is dense.

When the shadow is lit, the truth can be seen.

The peace of the field exists only within the fence.

The forest beyond it is full of abusers.

The users are out there stalking the herds.

The herds are safe, if the fence does not falter.

But, where the border is broken, the shadows converge.

Awaiting are vultures, to feed on the strays.

The ones who, without knowing, leave the field at the break.

The jackal is waiting to take what it wants.

It consumes the soul, leaving behind an empty crate.

The victim returns to the field once again.

The others never notice that something was taken.

The shell of the small one is there to be seen.

But, it's innocence was stolen, the peace has been shaken.

I ask you now, to look over your fields.

To see if the peace is all that it seems.

Look into each soul, the heart of each person.

Sense if they're peaceful, and still able to dream.

Observe each child, look deep in their eyes.

Make sure their secure, safe from the wolf.

Take them in your arms, keep them safe and warm.

Protect them from the shadows and their awaiting hooks.

Only you can defend them, keep mended your fences..

Only you can hold fast to each vulnerable fawn.

Please, don't be a fool and wear dark colored glasses.

Because, before you know it, your grazing field will be gone.

Covered with the shadows, dark and serene.

Cries from the darkness, innocence, never again..

The young's childhood was eaten by injustices unnoticed.

Their bodies continue, but, the bitterness is plain.

But, there is hope in the sunlight, the grass is still green

Don't give into evil, keep on dodging the darts.

Take hold of the children, love them, protect them from harm.

Then the fields of tomorrow, will take root in their heart.

by Brenda

© 2006

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Graphics By Mammabee

© 2006