Breaking The Darkness

The darkness has come
And the rain begins to fall. 

My heart seems to break.

My mind starts to wonder.

I wonder why God let this happen.
I ask Him to please take it away. 

His voice has gone silent.

I am left alone in this place.

The darkness is unbroken.
I sit with my hands hiding my eyes. 

My ears can not hear

over my own sobs as I cry.

Every dark shadow perks up and takes notice
that I am hiding from the light. 

They take advantage of my loneliness

weaving doubts and fears in my mind.

A spark from the distance catches my eye.
The simple word "FIGHT" reaches my ears.


The prayers of those who love me lift me from my knees.
"God has not left you, He is waiting very near."

I am reminded God saved me,
released me from the past. 

Jesus is my light for the future.

He promises His protection is not lax.

The prayers of His people are breaking the darkness. 

The words of my Savior I now hear so clearly.

"You are MY child and NEVER separated from my love."

by Brenda

© 2006


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